OZ-07AMS Aries

Pictures, General and Technical Information
courtesty of the Fantasy & Animation Headquarters.

Palladium RPG Stats by Kelly Green.
Created 12-08-01

Updated 1-10-03

General and Technical Data

Model number: OZ-07AMS
Code name: Aries
Unit type: mobile suit
Manufacturer: OZ (Organization of Zodiac)
Operator(s): OZ; United Earth Sphere Alliance
Accomodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 16.9 meters
Weight: empty 8.0 metric tons; max gross weight unknown
Construction and armor: titanium alloy
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, output rating unknown
Performance ability levels: fighting 100; weapons 110; speed 110; power 90; armor 90
Equipment and design features: 4 x wing hardpoint
Fixed armaments: none
Optional hand armaments: chainrifle, clip-fed, can be stored on wing hardpoint; 4-tube missile pod, can be stored on wing hardpoint

Technical and Historical Notes

"Get some Aries' over here! I'll need those closest by. We're going after the enemy!" - Lucrezia Noin

Another early design produced by OZ during the After Colony Era, the OZ-07AMS Aries was built expressly for aerial combat. Mounting a pair of large jet engine housings on its shoulders and aerodynamic control surfaces, the Aries (named after the first Zodiac sign meaning "ram") was fully capable of independent atmospheric flight. It was also OZ's first variable mobile suit/jet fighter, as its legs deployed for walking and folded up into its body for flight. The Aries could also be loaded with a limited number of chainrifles and missile pods on its external wing hardpoints.

Miscellaneous Information

Pilot(s): Lucrezia Noin, Walker, Meuler, Heero Yuy, Quatre Raberba Winner, Acht, Treize Khushrenada, Zechs Merquise
Appearances: New Mobile Report Gundam W; New Mobile Report Gundam W: Episode Zero
Original mechanical designer: Hajime Katoki

M.D.C. by Location:

[2]Main Body
Reinforced Pilots
[3]Shoulder Air-Intakes(2)
[3]Engine Outlets(2)

Chain Rifle
4-Tube Missile Pod


90 ea
90 ea
45 ea
180 ea
75 ea
135 ea


[1]The Head and Hands are small targets , and are difficult to hit.  Therefore, even with a called shot, they are -3 to hit.

[2]Depleting the MDC of the Main Body will disable the Aries.

[3]Destroying even one of the Air Intakes or Engine outlets will render the Aries incapable of flight.


Soldier Mode:
  Reactor: 2000 kilowatts
  Running: 100 mph
  Leaping: 50 feet up or 100 feet across(Note: Leaps in space are increased by a factor of 10.)
  Leaping: (Thruster Assisted) 150 feet  up, and 300 feet across(Note: Leaps in space are increased by a factor of 10.)
  Thrust: 20,000 kilograms
    In Atmosphere: 312mph with a 18,000 foot ceiling
  Space: Not Possilbe (designed only for flight in an atmosphere)

Flight Mode:
  In Atmosphere: 624 mph with a ceiling of 50,000 ft (+1 to dodge)
  Space: Not Possilbe (designed only for flight in an atmosphere)

Dimensional Data

Height: 16.9 m
Weight: 8.0 metric tons (8.8 tons)

Weapon Systems

  1. Chain Rifle: A Mecha sized assault weapon that is fed by chained amunition, similar to the M-60 or Mini-Gun of the US Marines.  
    MDC: 100
    Location:  Hand Held, can be mounted on a Wing Hardpoint.
    Primary Purpose: Assault
    Secondary Purpose: Anti-Missile/Defense
    Range: 4,000 ft (1220m; Double in Space)
    Mega Damage:  1D6 x 10 MD per Burst(30 rounds); each round does 1D4 MD
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the Pilot's Hand to Hand
    Payload: 20 Bursts per clip

  2. 4 Tube Short Range Missile Pod: a removable rocket pod, similar to those that are used on modern Military Helicopters.
    MDC: 100
    Location:  mounted on wing hardpoints
    Primary Purpose: Assault
    Secondary Purpose: Anti-Missile/Defense
    Range: varies by missile type (usually high explosive)
    Mega Damage:  varies by missile type (typically 1D6 x 10 for High Explosive)
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the Pilot's Hand to Hand
    Payload: 4 Short Range Missiles

  3. Optional Hand to Hand Combat
    Restrained Punch
    Power Punch(uses 2 attacks)
    Crush, Pry or Tear
    Leap Kick
    Body Flip / Throw
    Body Block / Tackle / Ram
    Flying Ram

    See Also: Mobile Suit Combat Basic / Mobile Suit Combat Elite

  4. Wing Hardpoints: There are 4 Wing Hardpoints for Mounting Weapons.