XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero (TV version)

Pictures, General and Technical Information
courtesty of the Fantasy & Animation Headquarters.

Palladium RPG Stats by Kelly Green.
Created 12-5-01

Updated 1-10-03

General and Technical Data

Model number: XXXG-00W0
Code name: Wing Gundam Zero
Unit type: transformable mobile suit
Manufacturer: Quatre Raberba Winner (based on a design by Doctor J, Professor G, Instructor H, Doktor S and Master O)
Operator: Gundam pilots
Rollout: AC 195
First deployment: AC 195
Accomodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Dimensions: head height 16.7 meters
Weight: empty 8.0 metric tons; max gross weight unknown
Construction and armor: gundanium alloy
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, output rating unknown
Performance ability levels: fighting 150; weapons 150; speed 160; power 140; armor 140
Equipment and design features: "Zero System" combat computer/pilot interface in cockpit; self-destruct system
Fixed armaments: 2 x machinecannon, fire-linked, mounted on torso; 2 x wing vulcan gun, fire-linked, mounted in wing binders; 2 x beam saber, stored in recharge racks in shoulders, hand-carried in use
Optional fixed armaments: 1 x shield with "piledriver" nose, mounts on main body in Neo-Bird mode
Optional hand armaments: twin buster rifle, can be separated into two separate single-barrel buster rifles, can be stored on shield, mounts on main body in Neo-Bird mode

Technical and Historical Notes

"Heero, it's human beings who fight against each other. But those humans are now depending on machines to gain their strength to fight. Heero, it's mistaken. This Gundam is a MISTAKE." - Quatre Raberba Winner

Before there were five Gundams, there was only one - and it existed strictly on paper. It was AC 180 - fifteen years before they would send their own respective custom-built Gundams to wage guerilla warfare on Earth - and the five eccentric scientists Doctor J, Professor G, Instructor H, Doktor S and Master O, had just completed designing the first mobile suit of that era, the OZ-00MS Tallgeese. Seeing their work being put to oppressive use in the form of mass-produced Leos - and spawned by the assassination of space colony political leader Heero Yuy - the five scientists decided to design their own mobile suit which could overpower OZ's forces.

This mobile suit was the XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero, and it was a design to truly be feared. In addition to being extremely maneuverable, the Wing Zero was a transformable mobile suit, capable of transforming into a fighter-like "Neo-Bird mode" for added speed and mobility. Sporting Gatling-like machinecannons, wing-mounted vulcan guns and beam sabers, its firepower was topped by an extremely powerful twin buster rifle, capable of wiping out entire groups of mobile suits in a single shot.

However, one more factor put the Wing Zero above everything else: the cockpit's "Zero System," which allowed the pilot's mind to interface directly with the Gundam's combat computer. Although the exact nature of the Zero System's operation is unclear, it appeared to operate by "sampling" the pilot's thoughts and, combining them with current combat data, presented the pilot with various alternate outcomes. Thus, depending on the pilot's mood, the Zero System could tell him/her how to achieve total victory... or decisive defeat.

Nevertheless, the mental stresses the Zero System would place on the pilot would be too great for any ordinary human to handle, and even the five mad scientists saw the dangerous turn their work was taking. And thus, the Wing Gundam Zero project was shelved. A copy of the plans went with each of the five scientists when they broke up and went underground to pursue their own individual plans for revolution against OZ. The Wing Zero design would serve as a base model for the five Gundams that would actually be built and sent to Earth.

In AC 195, unfortunate circumstances placed Gundam Sandrock pilot Quatre Raberba Winner in space without a Gundam, with a dead father, and with enemies of the very space colonists he was fighting to free. Wracked by a serious mental imbalance, Quatre discovered the abandoned work of the five scientists, and he built the Wing Zero. Mindless of its dangerous Zero System, Quatre took off to destroy anyone and everyone fighting in space. Though his mental condition was temporary, the Wing Zero's power proved truly terrible, as Quatre used it to destroy an entire space colony. After that, the Wing Gundam Zero would pass from one pilot to another until it landed in the hands of former OZ pilot Zechs Merquise, and then Gundam pilot Heero Yuy - two of the only humans known to actually master the Zero System by making use of its advantages while preventing it from driving them mad.

Miscellaneous Information

Pilot(s): Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Trowa Barton, Quatre Raberba Winner, Wufei Chang, Zechs Merquise (aka Milliardo Peacecraft), Trant Clark
Appearances: New Mobile Report Gundam W
Original mechanical designer: Kunio Ookawara

M.D.C. by Location:

[2]Head Sensor Unit
[3]Main Body
Reinforced Pilot
Shoulder Shields(2)
Wing Halves(4)
[4]Nose / Left Arm Shield

230 ea
290 ea
115 ea
460 ea
200 ea
Buster Energy Rifles(2)
Beam Sabres(2)
125 ea
50 ea

[1]The Head and Hands are small targets , and are difficult to hit.  Therefore, even with a called shot, they are -3 to hit.

[2]Destroying the Sensor Antenna will disrupt the Wing Gundam's ability to receive radio signals and has a 50% chance of destroying the radar and laser tracking systems. This will eliminate the bonuses for Strike and Dodge.

[3]Depleting the MDC of the Main Body will disable the Wing Gundam.

[4]When in Jet Mode, 1/3 of all damage done to the Main Body is transferred to the Nose.


Reactor: 3400 kilowatts
Soldier Mode:
  Running: 100 mph
  Leaping: 50 feet up or 100 feet across(Note: Leaps in space are increased by a factor of 10.)
  Leaping: (Thruster Assisted) 150 feet  up, and 300 feet across(Note: Leaps in space are increased by a factor of 10.)
  Thrust: 34,000 kilograms
    In Atmosphere: 300mph with a 18,000 foot ceiling
    Space: 2,195 mph

Jet Mode:
   In Atmosphere: 600 mph with a 30,000 foot ceiling.
   Space: 4,390 mph

Dimensional Data

Height: 16.7 m
Weight: 8.0 metric tons (8.8 tons)

Weapon Systems

  1. Buster Energy Rifle(2) is a high energy weapon designed for maximum destruction, and is the equivalent of a battleships main gun.
    MDC: 125 ea
    Location: Hand Held in Soldier Mode, on either side of the nose in Jet Mode
    Primary Purpose: Assault
    Secondary Purpose: Defense
    Weight: 600 pounds.
    Range: 6000 feet (12,000 feet in space)
    Mega Damage: 1D6 x 100 MD per full power blast or 1d6 x 10 MD reduced power blasts.
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the Pilot's Hand to Hand
    Payload: 3  Full Power blasts, or 30 reduced power blasts (or combination of)per charge.

  2. Twinned Buster Energy Rifles: When 2 Buster Energy Rifles are linked to become a single weapon, they become capable of a much more powerful blast than normal.  This is due to the fact that their combined energy storage systems are capable of achieving "critical mass."  Like the "Critical Mass Point" of a Nuclear Weapon, the Twinned Buster Energy Rifles ' "Twin Buster Blast", is a truly terrible weapon, capable of destroying a starship or meteor.  Firing this Twin Buster Blast will typically destroy the weapons in the process, and use all available energy.
    Mega-Damage: Twin Buster Blast, which does 1d4 x 10,000 MD, but causes collateral damage to the mecha firing it, and will most likely destroy both rifles.
    Rate of Fire: Once, then the gun is useless
    Payload: 1 Twin Buster Blast, after which the guns are too damaged to fire, and are depleted of all energy (even if they do survive)

  3. Wing Vulcan guns
    Location: 2 Barrels, One in each wing binder.
    Primary Purpose: Assault
    Secondary Purpose: Anti-Missile/Defense
    Range: 4000 ft (1220 m; Double in Space)
    Mega Damage: 6D6 MD per Burst
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the Pilot's Hand to Hand
    Payload: 25 Bursts

  4. Shoulder Mounted Vulcans: The secondary weapons system of many Mobile Suits, located on top of the Gundams Shoulders, on top of the units Torso.  They can fire singly, but are typically used in linked fire mode.  The weapon is fixed forward on the Gundams body, so the weapons fires at whatever the chest is pointed at.
    Location: 1 Barrel on either side ot the gundams upper torso/shoulders in Soldier Mode
    Primary Purpose: Assault/Anti-Personnel
    Secondary Purpose: Anti-Missile/Defense
    Range: 3000 feet (910 m; Double in Space)
    Mega Damage: 4D6 per Single Burst, or 8D6 per Double Burst
    Rate of Fire: Equal to the Pilot's Hand to Hand
    Payload: 25 Bursts

  5. Beam Sabres(2)
    Location: Both swords are stored behind each shoulder, but hand held when in use.
    Primary Purpose: Melee
    Range: Melee
    Mega Damage: 4D4 x 10 MD
    Attacks per Melee: Equal to the Pilots Hand to Hand
    Payload: Capable of operating for 3 minutes on a single charge.

  6. Optional Hand to Hand Combat
    Restrained Punch
    Power Punch(uses 2 attacks)
    Crush, Pry or Tear
    Leap Kick
    Body Flip / Throw
    Body Block / Tackle / Ram
    Flying Ram

    See Also: Gundam Combat Basic / Gundam Combat Elite

Special Systems

  1. Zero System: WARNING UNSTABLE: 50% chance of going insane after first use. Gives +3 to initiative, +2 to attack, +2 dodge, +3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact