NRMA-006 Gadeel

Pictures, General and Technical Information
courtesty of the Fantasy & Animation Headquarters.

Palladium RPG Stats by Kelly Green.
Created 12-25-01

Updated 2-20-04

Version 2.0

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General and Technical Data

Model number: NRMA-006
Code name: Gadeel
Unit type: mobile armor
Manufacturer: New Earth Federation
Operator: New Earth Federation
Accomodation: pilot only, in standard cockpit in torso
Length: 18.2 meters
Width: 16.6 meters
Weight: empty 7.0 metric tons (7.7 tons) max gross weight unknown
Powerplant: ultracompact fusion reactor, power output rating unknown
Fixed armaments: 1 x beam rifle/beam saber, mounted on turret on main body

Technical and Historical Notes

The NRMA-006 Gadeel was the first mobile armor built by the New Earth Federation in the post-apocalyptic After War era. Built expressly with the capability of aerial combat, it was soon under debate whether or not to continue developing the Gadeel, as the New Federation had no true rivals in aerial combat. In the end, production of the Gadeel was halted after 30 units had been built, and the New Federal military shifted its focus onto developing more general-purpose mobile suits that would also be capable of atmospheric flight, such as the NRX-009 Valient.

Miscellaneous Information

Appearances: After War Gundam X

M.D.C. by Location:

[1]Head / Sensor Unit
[2]Main Body
Reinforced Pilot

Wings (2)
Engines (2)

Beam Rifle / Beam Saber


75 ea
95 ea


[1]The Head / Sensor Unit is very well protected and extremely difficult to hit.  Therefore, even with a called shot, they are -5 to hit.  Destroying the Head / Sensor Unit will disrupt the Gadeel's ability to send and receive Radio signals and will cripple the Radar and Laser Tracking systems. This will eliminate the bonuses for Strike and Dodge.

[2Depleting the MDC of the Main Body will disable the Gadeel.


Reactor: 1500 kilowatts
Thrust: 25,000 kilograms
  In Atmosphere: 600 mph (with a 25,000 foot ceiling)
  Space: 1,8 mph with a maximum sustained acceleration of 8 g's

Dimensional Data

Width: 16.6m at shoulders
Length: 18.2m
Weight: 7.0 metric tons (7.7 tons)

Weapon Systems

  1. Beam Rifle / Beam Saber: A weapon that is a combination of Energy Rifle and Sword.  Designed for shooting and/or slashing attacks.
    MDC: 100
    Location: the unit is mounted on a rotating turret on the underside of the Gadeel, enabling it to attack in a 360 degree radius.
    Primary Purpose: Assault / Melee
    Range: Beam Rifle: 4000 ft (1220m; Double in Space); Beam Saber: Melee
    Mega Damage: Beam Rifle:  2D6 x 10 MD per Blast; Beam Saber: 4D4 x 10 MD
    Attacks per Melee: Equal to the Pilots Hand to Hand
    Payload: Effectively unlimited.